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    The Viking (The Viking Series Book 1)

    At not quite fifteen, Stefan’s father finally let him board the longship Sja Vinna to take part in his first Viking raid. Yet, the battle was not at all what he expected, and he soon found himself alone and stranded in Scotland. Thirteen-year-old Kannak’s problem was just as grave. Her father deserted them and the […] More

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    43 Points
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    A Pirate Year – Cesare Bartoccioni

    A strange passenger takes possession of a peaceful brig. Apparently, an ordinary act of piracy; actually, the prelude to a deadly threat looming over the whole of the Antilles: a diabolical plan of dominion which will put, to the wringer, the real nature, the real being, the real humanity of every man and woman on […] More

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    40 Points
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    The Nautilus Legacy – Lewis Crow

    The stunning revelation that his father became none other than the infamous Captain Nemo shakes a young man’s world to its foundation. This fictional memoir recounts his life after a tragic war destroys his family and nearly kills him. Learning the truth about his father years later compels him to make a difficult choice: will […] More

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    32 Points
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    Two Roads to Freedom – Chris Ward

    The year is 1939 and Hitler invades Poland intent on its destruction, an epic worldwide conflict has begun. The Jewish Ostrowski family have lived in the capitol Warsaw for generations. As the bombs rain down on the city the patriarch Benjamin tells his son he must escape Poland with his two children before the Nazis […] More

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    32 Points
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    The Girl in the Triangle – Joyana Peters

    There are 740 Days left until the fire that changes industrial history forever.  It’s 1909. Seventeen-year-old Ruth survived the Russian Revolution and is now finally reunited with her lost love in America. All she wants is peace and a new life in New York. But when an uprising of 20,000 women vows to take down […] More

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    38 Points
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    War Story – Rolf Margenau

    Fresh perspectives on World War II – a nine-year-old on the home front, a German prisoner of war in Mississippi, young women ferrying war planes, a young officer working Enigma codes and rockets, and a lawyer trying to keep the government from sending thousands of German and Italian American citizens to concentration camps. War Story […] More

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    30 Points
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    The Lone Captain – Lewis Crow

    Captain Nemo’s son continues his own tales of adventure in The Lone Captain, a sequel to 2018’s The Nautilus Legacy and the second volume of The Nemo Chronicles.  Inspired by the work of Jules Verne and written as a memoir, it will delight readers of the first volume as well as those new to the […] More

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    30 Points
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    Where Bravehearts Dwelt: 10 Incredible Stories from Indian History – Saurav Ranjan Datta

    The history of India is not only fascinating but also very colourful; it narrates incidents of myriad contours. However, till date we have only been exposed to it from an academic point of view. While our mythologies have fascinated the populace of this country repeatedly due to their fantastical elements and also due to the […] More

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